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Long-term Outcomes of MOGAD without Chronic Steroid-sparing Immunotherapy: a Multicenter Retrospective Cohort (S40.008)

Long-term Outcomes of MOGAD without Chronic Steroid-sparing Immunotherapy: a Multicenter Retrospective Cohort (S40.008)

Journal: Neurology; April 25, 2023

Author(s): Nanthaya Tisavipat, Adi Wilf-Yarkoni, Eoin Flanagan, Vyanka Redenbaugh, Yoel Schwartzmann, Mark Hellmann, Assaf Tolkovsky, Hadas Stiebel-Kalish, Itay Lotan, Michael Levy, Rebecca Salky, Adi Vaknin-Dembinsky, Esther Ganelin-Cohen, Alfonso Lopez, Sean Pittock and John Chen

Long-term outcomes in MOGAD patients not receiving any immunotherapy apart from steroids

In this retrospective study, medical charts of 55 MOGAD patients were reviewed. The patients included (1) were diagnosed with MOGAD, (2) had visited one of the hospitals participating in the study, and (3) had not been on any immunotherapy other than steroids for at least the 3-year observation period. The results showed that without long-term immunotherapy, some MOGAD patients had relapses, but overall did not have a significant decline in their disability scores or visual acuity.

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