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CNS inflammatory demyelinating disorders: MS, NMOSD and MOG antibody associated disease

CNS inflammatory demyelinating disorders: MS, NMOSD and MOG antibody associated disease

Journal: Journal of Investigative Medicine; March 13, 2023

Author(s): Jacqueline F Rosenthal, Benjamin M Hoffman, William R Tyor

A review of MS, NMOSD, and MOGAD

Although multiple sclerosis is the most common central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory demyelinating disorder, NMOSD and MOGAD share some clinical characteristics of multiple sclerosis, such as optic neuritis and myelitis, which can make a specific diagnosis challenging. However, it is important to distinguish these diseases because they can have distinct clinical features and prognosis and require different treatments. Careful review of the patients’ history, neurological exam, imaging, and/or spinal fluid results are essential to making an accurate diagnosis. This review examines the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and natural history of these inflammatory CNS disorders.

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