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EVENT RECAP | NMO Physicians Dinner

Posted by: The Sumaira Foundation in News & Announcements

On September 21, 2018, TSF hosted a dinner for NMO specialists + champions in Boston, MA.

We engaged in great conversation about:

the ongoing development of the disease

ideas for future research projects

current therapies and practices

ways to collaborate to impact the community

Special guests | Dr. Anu Jacob from The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust and Dr. Michael Levy from Johns Hopkins Medicine

Also present were the following neurologists from Massachusetts General Hospital / Brigham and Women’s Hospital:

Dr. Marcelo Matiello
Dr. Eric Klawiter
Dr. Farrah Mateen
Dr. Dorlan Kimbrough
Dr. Abbas Kharal
Dr. Jenny Linnoila
Dr. Rebecca Gillani

Thank you to our friends at Eastern Standard Kitchen & Drinks for their wonderful hospitality!

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