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Event Series Human Collective Project | India

HCP India

Virtual: India , India

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD or MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when most NMOSD and MOGAD patients felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The […]

Let’s Talk About Cannabis: 4/20 Edition

Virtual: United States , United States

Are you curious to learn about the use of medical marijuana to help manage your symptoms? You're invited to TSF's upcoming webinar - "Let's Talk About Cannabis: 4/20 Edition" - on Saturday, April 20th at 11 AM EST / 5 PM CET featuring Dr. Aaron Boster, neurologist & MS specialist. This educational webinar invites patients, […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | Turkey

HCP Turkey

virtual: Turkey , Turkey

Sumaira fonu olarak sizi aylık (hcp) zoom toplantimiza davet ediyoruz. Aşağıdaki belirtilmiş olan linke tıklayarak Kaydınızı oluşturabilirsiniz Sumaira foundation adına Saygılarımla Fatih Şen

Diferencias entre Esclerosis múltiple, NMOSD y MOG-AD

Virtual: Colombia , Colombia

El Dr Carlos Navas discutirá desde la perspectiva del paciente, las diferencias entre Esclerosis múltiple, NMOSD y MOGAD. El Dr Navas es un médico colombiano dedicado al estudio y tratamiento de pacientes con enfermedades desmielinizantes. Acompáñanos en un nuevo From the Experts en español, el jueves 25 de abril a las 7:30 pm COT para […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | France

Le Projet Collectif Humain

Virtual: France , France

The Human Collective Project (HCP) est la réunion du groupe de soutien de TSF offerte à toute personne affectée par la NMOSD ou la MOGAD. Le programme a vu le jour au plus fort de la pandémie de COVID-19 en 2020, lorsque la plupart des patients NMOSD/MOGAD se sentaient particulièrement isolés et vulnérables au coronavirus […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | South Africa

HCP South Africa

Virtual: South Africa , South Africa

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

PREMIÈRE MONDIALE | La vie c’est tout de suite

Virtual: France , France

Nelly, la quarantaine, vit près de Beauvais en France. Cette professeure en milieu carcéral est une personne très active avec de nombreux amis et passe-temps. Malgré des années d'incertitude jusqu'à ce qu'elle reçoive enfin un diagnostic (MOGAD), elle n’a jamais laissé ses symptômes, pourtant graves, lui ôter sa joie de vivre. Après 2 ans de […]

TSF’s Human Collective Project | Danmark

Virtual: Danmark , Denmark

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Il progetto collettivo umano (HCP) | Italia

Virtual: Italy , Italy

The Human Collective Project (HCP) è l’incontro del gruppo di supporto di TSF offerto a chiunque sia stato colpito/colpito da NMOSD/MOGAD. Il programma è nato durante il culmine della pandemia di COVID-19 nel 2020, quando la maggior parte dei NMOSD/MOGAD si sentiva particolarmente isolata e vulnerabile al coronavirus come membri della società immunosoppressi/immunocompromessi. L’isolamento che […]

El proyecto colectivo humano (HCP) | Español

Virtual: Colombia , Colombia

El Human Collective Project (HCP) es la reunión del grupo de apoyo de TSF que se ofrece a cualquier persona que haya sido afectada/impactada por NMOSD/MOG-AD. El programa nació durante el apogeo de la pandemia de COVID-19 en 2020, cuando la mayoría de los NMOSD/MOG-AD se sentían particularmente aislados y vulnerables al coronavirus como miembros […]

Event Series Human Collective Project

TSF Plauderstunde (HCP) | Deutsch

Virtual: Germany , Germany

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

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