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Event Series Human Collective Project | South Africa

Human Collective Project | South Africa

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Event Series From The Experts

डिमायेलिनेटिंग बीमारियों पर जागरूकता और मार्गदर्शन

Virtual: Global

कृपया 23 नवम्बर को सुबह 9 बजे IST पर हमारे विशेष वेबिनार में सम्मिलित हों, जिसमें डॉ. पार्थवी रावत द्वारा डिमायेलिनेटिंग बीमारियों से प्रभावित रोगियों और उनके परिवारों को शिक्षित और सहायता प्रदान करने हेतु बहुमूल्य जानकारी और विशेषज्ञ मार्गदर्शन दिया जाएगा। लाइव वेबिनार में शामिल होने वाले प्रतिभागियों को डॉ. रावत से सीधे प्रश्न […]

Event Series TSF Patient Day

Le 2ème week-end des patients et aidants de la NMOSD & de la MOGAD – Paris

FIAP Paris 30 Rue Cabanis, Paris, France

Suite au succès de notre 1ère Journée Patients NMOSD & MOGAD, nous renouvelons l'évènement les 23 et 24 novembre à Paris ! Venez rencontrer des experts, suivre nos ateliers, rencontrer les différents acteurs de la NMOSD et la MOGAD. Venez mettre en lumière la NMOSD et la MOGAD avec Sumaira et TSF France. À bientôt! […]

Event Series From The Experts

Vécu, besoins et attentes des patient(e)s français

Virtual: Global

Les résultats sont là ! Vous avez peut-être participé à l'enquête réalisée par Alexion en partenariat avec The Sumaira Foundation France intitulée "Vécu, besoins et attentes des patient(e)s atteint(e)s de NMOSD". En compagnie du Docteur Livia Lanotte, neurologue et présidente du réseau Alsacep, et Bérengère, ambassadrice TSF, nous reviendrons sur les résultats et les enseignements […]

2° Giornata dedicata ai pazienti con NMOSD e MOGAD – Verona

Crowne Plaza Verona - Fiera 16 Via Belgio 37135, Verona, Italy

TSF è lieta di invitare tutti i pazienti italiani con NMOSD e MOGAD, i loro caregivers, ed i medici interessati a queste patologie a partecipare a questa giornata di formazione, unione e divertimento. In collaborazione con la Dr.ssa Sara Mariotto dell' Università di Verona, The Sumaira Foundation è lieta di invitarvi alla 2° Giornata per […]

Event Series Human Collective Project

TSF Plauderstunde | HCP Germany

Virtual: Germany , Germany

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | South Africa

Human Collective Project | South Africa

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Event Series Human Collective Project | France

Le Projet Collectif Humain (HCP) | Français

Virtual: France , France

The Human Collective Project (HCP) est la réunion du groupe de soutien de TSF offerte à toute personne affectée par la NMOSD ou la MOGAD. Le programme a vu le jour au plus fort de la pandémie de COVID-19 en 2020, lorsque la plupart des patients NMOSD/MOGAD se sentaient particulièrement isolés et vulnérables au coronavirus […]

Event Series Human Collective Project

TSF Plauderstunde | HCP Germany

Virtual: Germany , Germany

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

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