A Comparative Review of Typical and Atypical Optic Neuritis: Advancements in Treatments, Diagnostics, and Prognosis
Journal: Cureus; March 13, 2024
Author(s): Noah J. Spillers, Patrick M. Luther, Norris C. Talbot, Evan J. Kidder, Connor A. Doyle, Salim C. Lutfallah, Alyssa G. Derouen, Sridhar Tirumala, Shahab Ahmadzadeh, Sahar Shekoohi, Alan D. Kaye, Giustino Varrassi
Optic neuritis — different forms, treatments, diagnosis, and prognosis
Optic neuritis can lead to partial or total permanent vision loss if left untreated. Accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential to prevent long-term eye damage. Optic neuritis is a common symptom of MS, NMOSD, or MOGAD. This review helps physicians evaluate optic neuritis on the basis of MRI and visual tests as a to differentiate between MS, NMOSD, and MOGAD.
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