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Clinical risk factors for recurrence of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease

Clinical risk factors for recurrence of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease

Journal: Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders; July 8, 2023

Author(s): Jie Wang, Keyu Yang, Fang Zhang, Yujie Yi, Jing Wang

Could certain clinical factors predict relapses in MOGAD?

About 50% of patients with MOGAD tend to have relapses. This study, conducted on 24 MOGAD patients in China, aimed to determine if any specific clinical features might predict relapses in MOGAD. The results showed that the most common clinical features of MOGAD are loss of vision, numbness in the limbs or face, and eye pain. Patients who have optic neuritis, a history of immune disease, high levels of anti-MOG antibodies (≥1:100), and/or high levels of leukocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid (above 50/mm3) may be more likely to have relapses.

Related article: Can anti-MOG-antibody levels predict relapses in MOGAD?

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