Comparison of live and fixed cell-based assay performance: implications for the diagnosis of MOGAD in a low-middle income country
Journal: Frontiers in Immunology; August 29, 2023
Author(s): Lekha Pandit, Anitha D’Cunha, Chaithra Malli and Akshatha Sudhir
Comparison of two diagnostic tests for MOGAD in an Indian population
The diagnosis of MOGAD poses many clinical challenges because the disease has many features similar to MS and NMOSD. This study compared two diagnostic techniques for MOGAD – (a) a live cell-based assay (LCBA) that is more expensive and requires more technical skills and infrastructure and a fixed cell-based assay (FCBA) that is commercially developed, cost-effective, and easier to conduct at scale. Whereas some earlier studies have shown that the LBCA is more effective and accurate than the FCBA for MOGA diagnosis, this study showed that the diagnostic value of both assays were similar. In India where this study was done, most patients are uninsured and medical costs are managed out-of-pocket, so these results offer hope for more cost-effective diagnostic screening at scale.
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