Disability Outcomes in the N-MOmentum Trial of Inebilizumab in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
Journal: Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation; March 26, 2021
Author(s): Romain Marignier, Jeffrey L. Bennett, Ho Jin Kim, Brian G. Weinshenker, Sean J. Pittock, Dean Wingerchuk, Kazuko Fujihara, Friedemann Paul, Gary R. Cutter, Ari J. Green, Orhan Aktas, Hans-Peter Hartung, Fred D. Lublin, Ian M. Williams, Jorn Drappa, Dewei She, Daniel Cimbora, William Rees, Michael Smith, John N. Ratchford, Eliezer Katz, Bruce A.C. Cree
Clinical trial paper on the effect of inebilizumab on disability outcomes in NMOSD
This study (part of the N-MOmentum clinical trial) aimed to assess the effects of inebilizumab on the worsening of patients’ disability scores as measured by two scales — the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). The results showed that compared to placebo, inebilizumab reduced the risk of disability worsening over 3 months.
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