Frequency of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies in a large cohort of neurological patients
Journal: Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Experimental, Translational and Clinical; June 25, 2021
Author(s): Friederike Held, Sudhakar Reddy Kalluri, Achim Berthele, Ana-Katharina Klein 1, Markus Reindl 2, Bernhard Hemmer
How often do general neurologic patients test positive for MOG antibodies?
This study assessed how many general patients admitted to a neurology department tested positive for MOG antibodies. Blood samples of 2,107 consecutive adult neurologic patients admitted between 2016 and 2017 were tested for Mog antibodies. The results showed that MOG antibodies may be detected at some level in a wide range of neurological disease. High levels of MOG antibody titers were associated with patients who showed clinical features of NMOSD and MOGAD, whereas low titers were presented in several other diseases. Thus, low levels of MOG antibodies are not a strong diagnostic indicator of the underlying condition.
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