MOG encephalomyelitis: international recommendations on diagnosis and antibody testing
Journal: Journal of Neuroinflammation; May 3, 2018
Author(s): S. Jarius, F. Paul, O. Aktas, N. Asgari, R. C. Dale, J. de Seze, D. Franciotta, K. Fujihara, A. Jacob, H. J. Kim, I. Kleiter, T. Kümpfel, M. Levy, J. Palace, K. Ruprecht, A. Saiz, C. Trebst, B. G. Weinshenker & B. Wildemann
International recommendations on diagnosis and antibody testing in MOGAD
Before specific antibody tests for MOGAD became available, MOGAD was often misdiagnosed as MS or NMOSD. Since the introduction of these tests, many patients previously diagnosed with MS are now being tested for anti-MOG antibodies. To lessen the hazard of overdiagnosing MOGAD, which may lead to inappropriate treatment, more selective criteria for MOG antibody testing are urgently needed. This paper proposes indications for MOG antibody testing based on expert consensus and also shares a list of conditions atypical of MOGAD (red flags) that should prompt physicians to challenge a positive MOG-IgG test result.
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