Pain in NMOSD and MOGAD: A Systematic Literature Review of Pathophysiology, Symptoms, and Current Treatment Strategies
Journal: Frontiers in Neurology; August 21, 2020
Author(s): Susanna Asseyer, Graham Cooper, Friedemann Paul
A systematic review of pain in NMOSD and MOGAD
Pain is highly prevalent and debilitating in NMOSD and MOGAD with a severe impact on quality of life. Over 80% NMOSD and over 70% (estimated) MOGAD patients experience pain, including severe headache, eye pain, nerve pain (pins and needles, sensitivity to touch, burning sensations), muscular pain or spams, and pain from other autoimmune diseases that may coexist. This article reviews existing studies related to pain in NMOSD and MOGAD, including the pathogenesis and current treatment strategies. Acute pain due to optic neuritis seems to be particularly severe in MOGAD, while chronic neuropathic (nerve-related) pain is more severe in NMOSD. It does not suffice to treat the pain symptoms in isolation in NMOSD and MOGAD patients. Overall disease management with immunosuppressants tends to reduce pain. More holistic and effective pain-management strategies are needed.
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