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Prognostic relevance of quantitative and longitudinal MOG antibody testing in patients with MOGAD: a multicentre retrospective study

Prognostic relevance of quantitative and longitudinal MOG antibody testing in patients with MOGAD: a multicentre retrospective study

Journal: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry; March 1, 2023

Author(s): Matteo Gastaldi, Thomas Foiadelli, Giacomo Greco, Silvia Scaranzin, Eleonora Rigoni, Stefano Masciocchi, Sergio Ferrari, Chiara Mancinelli, Laura Brambilla, Margherita Mancardi, Thea Giacomini, Diana Ferraro, Marida Della Corte, Antonio Gallo, Massimiliano Di Filippo, Luana Benedetti, Giovanni Novi, Maurizio Versino, Paola Banfi, Raffaele Iorio, Lucia Moiola, Emanuela Turco, Stefano Sartori, Margherita Nosadini, Martino Ruggieri, Salvatore Savasta, Elena Colombo, Elena Ballante, Sven Jarius, Sara Mariotto, Diego Franciotta; NINA study group

Can anti-MOG-antibody levels predict relapses in MOGAD?

Testing for anti- MOG antibodies is an important diagnostic tool for patients with MOGAD. But little is known about how often the antibody tests should be repeated and what persistent high antibody levels might mean for the disease course. This study was conducted on 102 MOGAD patients in Italy. The results showed that patients with persistent positive anti-MOG-antibody tests and high levels antibodies over time are more likely to have relapses.

Related article: What predicts a relapsing disease course after the first demyelination event in MOGAD patients?


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