Timing of MOG-IgG Testing Is Key to 2023 MOGAD Diagnostic Criteria
Journal: Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation; November 17, 2023
Author(s): Mirasol Forcadela, Chiara Rocchi, Daniel San Martin, Emily L Gibbons, Daniel Wells, Mark R Woodhall, Patrick J Waters, Saif Huda, Shahd Hamid
Accurate diagnosis of MOGAD relies on the timing of antibody tests
Diagnostic criteria for MOGAD have been recently published. This study aimed to validate these criteria in a real-world group of patients with atypical inflammation of the central nervous system. The authors evaluated clinical records of 408 patients with atypical signs of a demyelinating syndrome, who had been to the National NMOSD specialized service at The Walton Center NHS Foundation Trust between 2012 and 2023. They systematically applied the 2023 MOGAD diagnostic criteria and previous 2018 International Diagnostic Recommendations for MOG encephalomyelitis to these clinical records. They found that the 2023 MOGAD diagnostic criteria were an improvement on the 2018 recommendations, were highly sensitive and specific, and could accurately diagnose MOGAD in 97% patients. Timing of testing is important to support the diagnosis of MOGAD.
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