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Welcome Dr. Elena Grebenciucova!

Posted by: The Sumaira Foundation in News & Announcements

August 16, 2021 – The Sumaira Foundation for NMO is pleased to welcome Elena Grebenciucova, MD to its medical advisory board.

Elena Grebenciucova, MD

Dr. Elena Grebenciucova is a neuro-immunologist and NMO specialist at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL.

She was initially trained in neurology at the University of Chicago and completed her neuro-immunology fellowship, focusing on transverse myelitis at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Grebenciucova has a specific interest in the risk of infections associated with the use of immunosuppressive medications and is passionate about patient education and empowerment.

In her free time, she is a dog lover, kitchen pharmacist, and a self-certified art therapist who shares Van Gogh’s love of all things yellow and believes that wellness is a state of mind and happiness is an art and an exercise in resilience and perseverance.

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